I was recently contracted by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 17 to build a new website for them. Their previous site (https://www.afge.org/local/l0017/) was OK, but it lacked some features such as the ability to create easily shareable blog posts / articles. This was because it is what they term a “Microsite” which is a subsite of the main AFGE.org website.
So, over the holiday break, I have been working on developing a new website for them. It’s based on WordPress and I have a development site set up on my Dreamhost account. You can check it out here (for now): https://afgelocal17dev.site/. It isn’t quite finished yet, but we’ve definitely made some decent progress. Here’s a screenshot:
Referral & Other Website Development Projects
If you know anyone else who needs a website, feel free to send them my way. If they would like to see what kind of work I can do, they can check out this website (dominiqueramirez.com) which is still under construction, or the AFGE Local 17 website development project. Also, I created a website for an event for a conservation group that I am a member of (it’s called the Izaak Walton League). They host the annual Fredericksburg Dog Mart, and this year I built a new website for their event. You can check it out here: https://fredericksburgdogmart.com/.
Oh yeah, and I can’t forget, I actually helped build and maintain the main blog for the Department of Veterans Affairs, called VAntage Point. Although, I manage VAntage Point as part of my day job (I work on the VA’s Digital Media Engagement Team) and all these other sites are side gigs. 😉
Anyone who needs my help on a new website development project, just fill out the form on my contact page here on this site (as soon as I set it up, LoL!). I’ll update this post with the link as soon as the page is up. Until then, just leave a comment below and I’ll get in touch with you.